3 Ways Electric Window Controls Boost Safety and Security in Commercial Spaces

Safety and security are top priorities for the owners of commercial spaces. These buildings often contain valuables such as money or expensive equipment, and business owners also have a responsibility for the safety of building occupants, such as employees and customers.

If you’re looking to improve the safety and security attributes of your commercial space, one of the most effective ways of doing so is by installing electric window openers. Read on to find out why.

What are Electric Windows?

Electric windows are remote-operated windows that offer full automation. These advanced windows are opened and closed by a cable that is wound and unwound by a small, motorised device that is activated by the application of a current.

Despite being relatively simple in design, electric windows have proved revolutionary. They are the perfect choice for commercial building owners who are looking to improve the safety and security of their property. Let’s take a look at three ways electric windows can be used to safeguard your commercial space.

They’re Easier to Open

The key difference between electric windows and traditional windows is that electric windows can be opened remotely with no need for physical human interaction.

The windows in commercial buildings can be old and poorly maintained. This can result in them becoming stiff and stuck, with significant force required to open them. This can lead to injury, with splintered wood and broken glass posing serious hazards.

With electric window openers, stuck windows will be a thing of the past. No more battling with old stubborn windows and potentially injuring yourself, your new windows will open and close smoothly at the click of a button.

Commercial spaces often have high ceilings, with windows in difficult-to-reach spots. These windows often require the use of a ladder or a window pole to access, which can lead to injury.

Electric windows completely eliminate this risk. Instead of scaling a rickety ladder to open a window, you can simply open it remotely and save yourself the trouble. This will prevent accidents from occurring and make your space far safer for employees.

Climate Control

Controlling the climate and the temperature in your commercial space is essential. You may have expensive equipment that can be damaged by excessive humidity or temperature fluctuations, and employees must feel comfortable in your space’s climate if they are to carry out their duties successfully.

Controlling the climate through artificial heating and cooling systems can be expensive, especially in today’s world of skyrocketing energy bills.

Electric windows offer a far more cost-effective means of climate control. They can be fully automated and programmed to respond to specific stimuli. For example, you could program your windows to open once the interior of your space exceeds a certain temperature, allowing cool air to circulate throughout the building. Once the temperature falls below a certain threshold, your windows can be programmed to close, retaining heat and keeping the interior of your space warm.

Weather, rain and snow in particular, can damage your building if it gets inside. Your windows can be programmed to detect adverse weather conditions and close when appropriate, safeguarding the contents of your building.

Finally, electric windows can help control the humidity of your space. If there is too much moisture in the air, they will open and allow for improved ventilation. This can prevent mould and dampness from developing in your building, which can be a risk to the health of occupants and the structural integrity of the building itself.

Prevent Criminal Activity

It can be all too easy to leave a window open overnight. While this might seem like a harmless mistake, it can in fact have disastrous consequences.

Commercial buildings often house expensive equipment and even sums of cash. For this reason, they are attractive targets for thieves and burglars. An open window is the perfect entry point for criminals, and your property could be ransacked, leaving you to pick up the pieces.

Automating your electric windows can help reduce this risk. They can be set to open during the day when the building is occupied and then shut at the close of business. This will ensure you never leave an easy option for thieves and that your building remains secure.

If you or an employee gets home in the evening and worries that a window has been left open, there’s no need to make a late-night trip back to the office. The windows can be closed remotely to ensure the building remains safe until you return the next morning.  


Electric windows can offer you a number of benefits, particularly when it comes to the safety and security of your commercial space. They’re easy to open and will not get stuck, they can be used to control the climate and the temperature, and they can deter criminals from targeting your building. 


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