Cost-Benefit Analysis of Electric Windows in Commercial Buildings: A Long-Term Investment Perspective

Owning a commercial building means constantly having to juggle costs and expenditures. It’s a delicate balancing act, but one that you need to get right if you want your commercial space to be viable long-term.

Cutting costs wherever you can is a fundamental part of owning a commercial space. Installing electric window openers can be viewed almost as a long-term investment, they will allow you to cut costs in various different areas. Read on to find out more.

Energy Efficiency

The energy required to heat and cool commercial spaces can be extremely expensive. However, it’s important that the temperature in your commercial space remains constant, as this can affect employee productivity and customer satisfaction.

Electric windows can be programmed to open and close based on the internal temperature of your space. Too hot and they’ll open, too cold and they’ll close. This is an incredibly effective temperature method and can see a reduction in the need to use artificial heating and cooling systems, making you big savings on your energy bills.

Weather Protection

It can be easy to forget to close a window when you close up your building for the night, or to accidentally leave one open over the weekend. However, doing so can put your building at risk, adverse weather conditions, be it rain, wind, or snow, can get in through the open window and cause serious damage to the interior and any possessions inside.

Electric windows can be programmed to respond to the weather, closing when conditions are bad to protect your building from damage. Weather-related damage can be extensive and pricey to rectify, so installing electric windows can be a shrewd financial move.

Humidity Regulation

If your commercial space is too humid, this can promote the development of damp and mould. As well as posing a health risk, this can damage the structure of your building itself and can be extremely difficult to fix once the problem has arisen.

After installing electric windows, you can programme them to respond to the humidity levels in your commercial space. If the air becomes too humid, the windows will open and allow air to circulate which will lower the humidity.

Addressing damp and mould can be an arduous process, and the damage it can cause can be expensive to fix. Prevent the issue from occurring by installing electric windows and regulating the humidity in your commercial space.


Criminals commonly target commercial buildings, due to the fact they are often empty at night and at the weekends, and that they are often used to house valuables.

If a window is left open, this will provide an immediate and easy access point for burglars. Electric windows can be programmed to close at certain times of day when everyone leaves the building for example. This means that no windows will be left open accidentally and your building will not be an attractive target for thieves and criminals.

Even if your building is insured, being the target of criminal activity can have an enormously detrimental impact on your building and your business. Staff and customers will feel less safe, and you could lose valuable equipment and documents to theft. Installing electric windows can protect your building against such threats and give you peace of mind when you’re not present.


Electric windows may cost more to install than regular windows, but the wide range of benefits they offer means the benefit far outweighs the initial expenditure. They are energy efficient and can make you savings on your energy bills. They can be used for effective weather protection and humidity regulation and offer fantastic security benefits.


How can electric windows help create a healthy indoor environment in your commercial building? Let’s find out.


Can Electric Windows Help Control the Climate in Your Building?