How Much Do You Know About Allergies?

We’re all familiar with the term allergy, and all probably know someone who suffers from an allergic reaction. But how much do we really understand about allergies and their causes? Be it at home or work, it’s important to understand how they can affect our daily lives. This article will explore what allergies actually are, as well as how efficient ventilation can offset their negative effects.


Simply put, an allergy is a disorder caused by a reaction to a substance known as an allergen. They are triggered when the body’s immune system abnormally detects this substance as harmful and overreacts to it. According to Allergy UK, around 44% of Brits now suffer from at least one allergy, and this figure is on the rise.

Typical examples include allergies to certain foods, such as nuts or dairy products, or domestic pets and insect stings. Most people will respond to these things normally, whilst others will suffer adverse reactions. In extreme cases, allergies can be fatal.

People who suffer from allergies will adjust their behaviour so they don’t fall constant victim, for example by avoiding foods that contain nuts. But what if you suffer adverse reactions to unclean air? This is something you have less control over and which is why proper ventilation is worth its weight in gold.


Many people will suffer from allergic reactions to ‘bad’ air, even if the effects are relatively mild. There are various outdoor allergens – i.e. pollen for sufferers of hay fever – that can trigger the immune system and cause an adverse reaction.

Likewise, if stale oxygen particles aren’t properly recycled indoors, this can lead to the onset of Sick Building Syndrome – a term which carries one or more of the following symptoms.

  • Stuffy nose and sneezing

  • Skin irritation and itching

  • Red, itchy or teary eyes

  • Tiredness and fatigue

  • Coughing and shortness of breath

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In addition, some people will suffer allergic reactions to mould or other fungi. Warning signs include similar symptoms to the ones listed above but can also lead to more serious issues such as asthma if mould spores fill the lungs over a prolonged period. Worryingly, these allergic reactions may be delayed, making it too late to react.

Seeing as indoor allergens and mould are amplified by a stale air environment, it’s important that a suitable ventilation strategy is in place so clean oxygen particles can exhume the room properly.


At LJ Pratley, we offer bespoke natural ventilation solutions catered to your property type and budget. Once installed, not only will they help reduce allergens disrupting the wellbeing of building inhabitants but also cut harmful CO² emissions and create a sustainable indoor environment.

If you suffer from an allergy that can be attributed to poor ventilation, or are worried your building doesn’t supply clean air, please get in touch with our sales team who’ll be happy to show how our services can be of help.


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